Child Protection Policy
Named Person: Hazel Godfrey
Harwich, Dovercourt and Parkeston Swimming club recognise that they have a responsibility to:
• Promote the health and welfare of children by providing opportunities for them to take part
in swimming safely.
• Promote and implement appropriate procedures to safeguard the well being of children and
protect them from abuse.
• Recruit, train, support and supervise its members, volunteers and coaches to adopt best
practice to safeguard and protect children from abuse and to minimise risk to themselves.
• Require members and volunteers to adopt and abide by this Child Protection Policy and
these procedures.
• Respond to any allegations of misconduct or abuse of a child in line with this Policy and these
Procedures as well as implementing, where appropriate, the relevant disciplinary and
appeals procedures.
• Review and evaluate this Policy and these Procedures on a regular basis.
• The welfare of children is the Club’s primary concern.
• All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socioeconomic status, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from
abuse. (Child to the age 18 years)
• It is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns about abuse, to the child welfare officer
of the club. It is the Swimming Club’s responsibility to liaise with Swim England (SE) and act
where necessary after taking advice from SE and Social Services Department and/or Police. It
is the responsibility of SE and these agencies to conduct, where appropriate, a joint
• All incidents of alleged poor practice, misconduct and abuse will be taken seriously and
responded to swiftly and appropriately.
• All personal data will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
• The Swimming Club has a responsibility to maintain confidentiality in all cases involving child
welfare in line with current legislation.
• This Policy and these Procedures will be regularly monitored and reviewed: In accordance
with changes in legislation and guidance on the welfare of children or any changes within the
Swimming Club, or Swim England.
Who to Contact
HDPSC has a Child Welfare Officer, Mrs Hazel Godfrey. Mrs Godfrey can be contacted by email or 07854 831850.
Other Useful Numbers & Contacts
Swimline: 0808 100 4001
Child Protection In Sport Unit. Tel: 0116 234 7278 or Email:
NSPCC Child Protection Line. Tel: 0808 800 5000